[Author Spotlight Series] - Finding Purpose Through Adversity and Grace With Kathryn Pistoresi

Kathryn Pistoresi

Kathryn Pistoresi is a Lifestyle Coach, Fitness Therapist, and Certified Health Coach. She offers workshops designed to improve communication skills, health, fitness, and functionality through life. Kathryn is the author of 20 Minutes to Live: Discovering Miracles, Perseverance, and the Power of Prayer. Born in Texas, she is a married mother of three, stepmother of two, and grandmother of 12! 


Kathryn learned firsthand about chronic pain and dysfunction in 2005 after a car accident. She believes that being disabled with a hip injury for three and a half years has helped her ability to understand her client’s needs on a much more personal and unique level. She uses the most innovative techniques and creates fun, energizing routines. Kathryn believes a strong, confident, and productive body is your most valuable asset.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 


  • Kathryn Pistoresi shares her personal and professional journey
  • Kathryn’s illness and faith journey
  • How to maintain work-life balance
  • Kathryn talks about her turning point in life after a near-death experience
  • The story behind 20 Minutes to Live: Discovering Miracles, Perseverance, and the Power of Prayer book
  • Kathryn’s advice for people and the power of community

In this episode…


Life can be unpredictable and sometimes takes a turn for the worse, regardless of how perfect it may seem. But why? Sometimes, God allows these things to happen in your life — not to punish you or because He hates you, but because He wants you to learn something and become a better person. 


A successful businesswoman, Kathryn Pistoresi, who had a wonderful marriage, found herself in a precarious situation after a life-altering accident. However, she did not let this experience break her spirit. Instead, she drew strength from her faith and found a renewed purpose to help others through it. She shares how God's love and grace helped her overcome these challenges. Her experience was a wake-up call that taught her the importance of gratitude, resilience, and compassion. Through her book and coaching, she inspires and uplifts others, showing them that even in the darkest moments, there is hope and a way forward.


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Kathryn Pistoresi, a Lifestyle Coach, Fitness Therapist, and Certified Health Coach. Kathryn shares her personal and professional journey, her turning point after a near-death experience, and how the 20 Minutes to Live: Discovering Miracles, Perseverance, and the Power of Prayer book came to be.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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