[Author Spotlight Series] Tips for Professional and Personal Success With Jackie Listen

Jackie Listen is the CEO of JD Listen, LLC, a platform he uses to coach and mentor people as a certified Ziglar Legacy Coach. He grew up in Jones, Oklahoma, where he was a full-time entrepreneur for 11 years selling real estate, which led to McClain County National Bank hiring him to market their repossessed property in 1992.


In January 2020, Jackie closed his banking career after nearly 28 years and officially “re-fired” back into the world of entrepreneurship. He is also a published author and speaker and serves on McClain Bank’s Board of Directors. Jackie lives on a ranch in Noble with his wife, Paula, and is a proud father and grandfather.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:


  • Jackie Listen talks about his professional background
  • How Jackie connected with Ziglar and became a certified coach
  • Leadership tips for leaders
  • Jackie’s motivation for writing A Place Called Through
  • Other ways he exercises the power of authority

In this episode...


Are you feeling lost and unsure about the direction of your career or life? What do you need to do to get back on track?


According to Jackie Listen, life can be challenging. Because of this, many people don’t know where they are heading. They must read books, attend seminars and coaching programs, or have mentors to show them the way. With his vast knowledge and experience across different industries, expertise as a Ziglar certified coach, and passion for personal development, Jackie mentors and encourages individuals to achieve success in their professional and personal lives.


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Jackie Listen, CEO of JD Listen, LLC, to discuss his entrepreneurial journey and helping people succeed. Jackie talks about his professional background, Ziglar’s programs he was involved in, and how he became a Ziglar certified coach. He also shares valuable leadership tips for those in leadership positions and discusses his book project, A Place Called Through, and the inspiration behind it.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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