Empowering Others Through Leadership and Growth with Kirk McCarley

With more than 30 years of executive leadership experience in both public and private sector environments, Kirk McCarley has a solid reputation for fostering individual growth and development beyond client expectations. As an executive and career coach, he focuses on desired customer outcomes, predicated upon the premise that the individual possesses the ingredients for success. Kirk's passion as a coach is to guide clients toward celebrating self-confidence and reaching their full God-given potential.

tune in

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • [5:03] Journey of Kirk’s Career
  • [7:50] Motivations for writing his book
  • [9:55] Diving into the book “Thoughts For My Kids… and Other People’s Kids”
  • [16:43] Learning communication
  • [18:05] Kirk McCarley’s coaching

In this episode... 


With more than 30 years of executive leadership experience in both public and private sector environments, Kirk McCarley has a solid reputation for fostering individual growth and development beyond client expectations. 


As an executive and career coach, he focuses on desired customer outcomes, predicated upon the premise that the individual possesses the ingredients for success. Kirk's passion as a coach is to guide clients toward celebrating self-confidence and reaching their full God-given potential.


Learn about Kirk's life through his professional and personal career as he dives into his book "Thoughts for My Kids... and Other People's Kids" a collection of essays and vignettes compiled over the past seven years, chronicling the launch of his career as an executive and life coach. The insights within are drawn from both his professional experiences and personal growth journey, encompassing not only his career but also his educational development and the stories that have shaped his maturation.


Resources Mentioned

Quotable Moments:

  • “81% of people have a desire to write a book, and only 1% of people do, and I wanted to be a 1% in something before I leave this Earth.”
  • “A snippet a reader can pick up on and relate to and prompts and idea for them to carry out.”
  • “Lots will come, few will stay.”
  • “Stick-to-it, stay with something, and giving you the motivation for the pain that you are feeling right now is going to pass and you are going to be rewarded by it later.”

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This episode is brought to you by Performance Publishing.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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