I want to write a book, but where do I start?

You have a story that deserves to be shared. You have the ambition to author a book that will inspire others and boost your own career or personal goals. And you have the tenacity to believe in your success, and how far your story can go. Hence, you might have wondered, "I want to write a book, but where do I start?"

There's a reason why the majority of people who want to author a book at some point in their lifetime never actually get their words onto paper. Writing a book can initially seem like a daunting task that takes hundreds of hours of work. It might even seem that it requires a lot of luck, (and maybe even exclusive networking or connections), to be successful. This is exactly why an estimated 98% of folks who want to write a book never actually do.

But don't let the work ahead discourage you from pursuing your dream! You've already taken a step forward simply by researching where to start, and the path ahead is certainly not an insurmountable one.

So before you get started on creating your book, take a moment to read the following tips and strategies. This can ensure that you stay motivated, positive, and excited about your upcoming book from the first page to the last.

Setting the Scene to Write a Book


The very first thing you need to do is to ensure that you have everything required to start writing. And most importantly to have all you need to continue writing until you finish your book.

It's easy to spend an hour or so writing for a couple of days, but maintaining this momentum is crucial as the writing process progresses.

As such, there are a few things you can do at the onset of your writing endeavor to make sure you stay focused and inspired in the days and weeks to come.

Have a great writing space!


It's much easier to stay positive and focused in inspired surroundings. Therefore, make sure you carve out an area where you can write comfortably, and on a regular basis. You don't have to have a separate office or workspace to stay productive.

To create the perfect setting for your work, simply find a quiet corner of your home where you can avoid distractions and keep writing. Remove any clutter, as a disorganized space can hinder motivation and productivity.

Conversely, some people need constant background noise, and thus their ideal creative space would be a neighborhood coffee shop.

You may also want to add a couple of artworks or knickknacks that bring you joy. This way you'll look forward to retreating to your writing space, and will have a little extra motivation to keep going.

Have an outline


You don't have to come up with a detailed outline of every plot point and character contribution, but it is helpful to have a solid idea of how your books begins, progresses, and ends. Jot down how you expect your story to unfold, even if it's on a spare piece of paper.

This of course may be revised as your book progresses. But having a general concept of how you need to proceed will help when it comes to moving your book forward.

Search for inspiration


You've had the dream that you want to write a book, but it's time to narrow down the "why".

If you want:

  • your story be able to inspire and help others
  • to promote a cause
  • to boost your income or your career
  • and to create something to be proud of
Then writing a book is exactly what you should do, so keep these reasons at the forefront of your mind! Write them down, and have your list handy so that if a case of writer's block or discouragement strikes, you'll always have a reminder of why you need to finish your book.

The First Steps to Write a Book


Now that you have laid the groundwork, it's time to start writing. And if you're like many new authors, you may find that crafting those first few pages can be one of the most difficult steps in the writing process.

But you don't have to create a publish-worthy final draft at the start of your writing endeavor! There are even a few tricks you can employ to help you start writing. These can ensure that the rest of the writing process goes smoothly.

Review your previous work


Maybe you're written short stories or snippets of a book before, or perhaps you've kept a diary or journal in the past.

If this is the case, you may find it helpful to go through your previous works to get a dose of inspiration, and to find ideas to enhance your story. Reading your own work will also help you identify your unique voice and writing style, which is imperative to create a book that is truly your own.

Start small


Are you having trouble wrapping your head around how to write possibly hundreds of pages? You can certainly take a step back and break it down to small sections!

Try writing a short story that encompasses a portion of your book, or jot down a lengthier outline or synopsis that clearly spells how your book develops.

Furthermore, you don't always have to start at the very first page to begin writing. Simply tackling an intriguing section of your book can go a long way in helping you identify what steps to take next.

Start with a blog


A number of published or famous authors started with a simple blog. Today, setting up your own website or blog is easier than ever in our current internet age!

Best of all, if you create blog posts and make your blog public, you'll be able to obtain feedback and support through every step of the process. You can even do this by just sharing it with family members and friends, if you are not ready to go public.

Play with beginnings


Your book will naturally change and evolve as the writing process goes on, so don't be nervous if you aren't 100% sure how your book should begin or end.

Instead, use these early first steps as an opportunity to start getting creative, and to explore your options when it comes to how your book unfolds! Try creating several different beginnings for your book until you find a style, theme, and a starting point that feels right.

Remember, the general publish will not read your words until after your book is published. So it's perfectly fine to experiment and to create a few first drafts before you've settled on your final story.

Staying Motivated to Write a Book


Starting a book can be a challenge, but many first-time writers find that staying motivated until they reach the final page can be difficult as well. That's why it's imperative to find ways to stay motivated through every stage of the writing process, especially if this is your very first time as an author!

Every author is different, and you may find your own ways to keep writing despite any internal or external obstacles.

Even so, are you concerned that you might not be able to follow through once you start writing? Then consider these common ways that authors keep going, despite the distractions.

Set a schedule


One of the easiest ways to stay motivated and to keep writing is to ensure that you make it an integral part of your routine, and the way to do that is to set a schedule.

Carve out whatever time you are comfortable dedicating to writing into your daily agenda. Next, stick to your schedule like you would for a job, household chores, or other tasks that simply must be completed during the day.

There's no correct set amount of time that you should write, but you should try to write every day if possible, just so that your motivation stays strong. Maybe you are only able to dedicate 10 minutes a day to your writing. But you'll find that those ten minutes can go a long way when they are added up over the days and weeks to come.

Have a support system


One of the best ways to keep your dedication to writing going strong is to have folks who support your effort, and who can offer encouragement when you find your motivation is starting to fade.

There are multiple online and in-person support groups for new writers. You can also rely on your family and friends to cheer you on when you need that extra push. Find the folks who inspire you and who will keep you moving forward, to whom you can reach out when you need a jolt of inspiration.

Ask for feedback


Many new writers struggle with thoughts of defeat even before they begin. "What if my writing is not good enough, or what if no one wants to read my words?"

So if this sounds like you, then ask for help!

There are many writer and author groups that can help offer feedback on the pages you have completed so far. Or you can turn to a trusted friend, family member, or colleague to get a little insight into how your book is progressing.

Take a break!


You may start to feel a burnout after being focused on your story for days or weeks at a time. So, allow yourself the freedom to take a break from a book writing session!

If you're starting to get weary of your words, then take a moment to write about something completely different, even if it's just for a few minutes.

You can try freestyle writing, or the practice of simply writing without paying attention to where your words lead you. This is a great way to boost the brain and even find a little inspiration for how your book develops in future pages.

Hire a book coach to help write a book


A book coach is an invaluable resource for new writers, and especially those who struggle with staying motivated.

Essentially, a book coach assists with every step of the writing process. They help with crafting that initial outline to finding an online or traditional publisher. Plus, a book coach can offer reinforcement and feedback every step of the way.

Ideal for brand new authors who have never published a book before, a book or writing coach can help you stay on track to make your book the best that it can be.

Take it in stride


Every writer has a bad day, or even week or a whole month, so don't let a lack of motivation or focus get you down! Writer's block is common for even the most famous and renowned authors in the world. And what makes the difference is the ability to power through and reach the other side, instead of simply giving up.

So take it in stride, and don't be too hard on yourself if you get stuck. Just keep trying, and working, or even take a break to see if that helps rejuvenate the creative juices. It's perfectly OK to be stuck - just don't let it become a permanent state!

The Bottom Line for Those Who Want to Write a Book


Writing a book can be a rewarding and inspirational experience, but it can also be one of the most challenging endeavors you'll ever take. So above all else, remember that it's OK to be worried, or hesitant, or unsure of what to do next. Especially if you are just getting started and you've never written a book before.

But YOU have a story and the inherent power to share your story with the world! The only thing you have to do to be successful is to get writing.

So, remember to:

  • carve out a space and a schedule for writing your book
  • craft an outline for your story
  • take time every day to get your words onto paper
After you've finished writing and have your story in hand, the rewards are well worth the work involved. Your story deserves to be shared to those who need to read it. Thus, all you have to do to inspire others and reach your audience is to start writing!

Have a Story to Share? Don't Wait! Learn How to Write a Book Right at Home!


You know you have a story that deserves to be shared to inspire, influence, and resonate with your readers.

It's easier than ever to tackle publishing your book like a pro with the insight readily available through Book Bound Online.

Take a huge step forward in creating a book that will inspire people for years to come, and sign up for Book Bound Online today. This program will give you the essential information to transform your ability to write and publish your book. Find out how Book Bound Online is your best right-at-home resource for sharing your story with the world.

Written By

Michelle Prince

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