The Six P’s of Entrepreneurial Success With Dr. Kevin Gazzara

Dr. Kevin Gazzara

Dr. Kevin Gazzara is the Senior Partner of Magna Leadership Solutions and the co-author of The Leader of OZ and Ready, Set, Get Hired. He is an ICF-certified coach, a certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness coach, and a Founder of 


Dr. Gazzara has taught and developed management and leadership career-changing programs in the corporate world during his 18 years at Intel Corporation and as a university professor at six universities over the last 28 years. Workforce Magazine recognizes his work for his international leadership development programs. Dr. Gazzara’s passion is helping professionals transition from technical to leadership roles, emphasizing the importance of continuous personal and professional growth.

tune in

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 


  • Dr. Kevin Gazzara explores his leadership development journey 
  • The genesis of the Magna Leadership Solutions
  • The six P’s of entrepreneurial success
  • Dr. Gazzara discusses the value of writing a book as an entrepreneur
  • Discover the unique concept behind The Leader of OZ
  • Success stories from Magna Leadership Solutions 
  • Dr. Gazzara’s advice for entrepreneurs

In this episode…


Are you ready to transition from the corporate world to an entrepreneurial adventure? It can be a path brimming with potential, but not without challenges. Are you prepared to discover the strategies that can unlock the leader within you?


Successful entrepreneur Dr. Kevin Gazzara shares his journey from a successful career at Intel to establishing his leadership consultancy. Drawing on his extensive experience developing management and leadership programs, he lays out a blueprint that savvy entrepreneurs can follow to foster growth and stability in their ventures. He introduces the Six P's of successful entrepreneurship, each serving as a cornerstone for building and sustaining a profitable and fulfilling business. Dr. Gazzara provides actionable insights for budding and established entrepreneurs.


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Dr. Kevin Gazzara, Senior Partner of Magna Leadership Solutions, to discuss how to approach leadership and business growth as entrepreneurs. Dr. Gazzara shares his career journey in leadership development, the genesis of Magna Leadership Solutions, the six P’s of entrepreneurial success, and the value of writing a book as an entrepreneur.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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