The Three Steps to Own Your Focus With Penny Zenker

Penny Zenker is an international motivational speaker, business strategy coach, best-selling author, and “The Focusologist.” Her speeches, presentations, and workshops help people develop strategic thinking skills, emotional intelligence, and personal leadership prowess. Penny’s best-seller, The Productivity Zone, provides strategies for positive change and maximum results using elements of thought, communication, and behavior.


While living in Zurich, Switzerland, Penny founded, developed, and sold her first multimillion-dollar business. Later, she managed business unit turnarounds at the world’s fourth-largest market research company. Penny was also a Tony Robbins business coach who helped entrepreneurs around the world double their businesses.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:


  • How Penny Zenker’s strategic coaching skills stemmed from a personal need
  • Penny describes her new book and the three simple steps for focusing
  • Why it can be beneficial to focus on what you already have before turning to the next big thing
  • Penny talks about her experience working for Tony Robbins
  • The value of opening up to new perspectives, analyzing your distraction level, and relinquishing control

In this episode...


Confucius said, “He who chases two rabbits catches none.” In the business world, many entrepreneurs suffer from “shiny object syndrome” and are continuously distracted by the next big thing. So, how do you become focused and put your best effort into catching “the right rabbit,” so to speak?


Penny Zenker, “The Focusologist,” is here to show us. She breaks it down into three simple tactics: step back, get perspective, and realign. When you’re not getting the results you want, it’s useful to look at the big picture, open up to different solutions, and adjust your process to center around one goal. Achieving focus isn’t rocket science — all you need to do is find the reset moments and repeat these three simple steps!


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Penny Zenker, a motivational speaker, strategy coach, and best-selling author. Penny shares her three steps to gain focus, common mistakes unfocused entrepreneurs make, and the value of concentrating on what you already have. She also shares her distraction quiz to help you target weaknesses and get on the path to owning your focus. 


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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