[Author Spotlight Series] - Raising Strong Daughters as a Strong Mom With Sherri Hilton

Sherri Hilton

Sherri Hilton is the National Account Executive at Cepheid, a firm dedicated to improving healthcare by pioneering molecular diagnostics that combine speed, accuracy, and flexibility. She acknowledges that strong moms create stronger daughters. She believes that sharing the wisdom and strength of women will result in stronger generations to come.


Sherri is a sales dynamo, influential networker, podcaster, author, coach, and single mom of two amazing girls. With their podcast Wisdom of Women and her book Strong Mom Stronger Daughters, she brings meaningful conversations and knowledge to light that will benefit all women, young and old. Sherri firmly believes in the power of women who challenge the status quo, conquering mountains wearing flip-flops or those fabulous high heels!

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 


  • Sherri Hilton shares her passion for mom-daughter relationships
  • How the Strong Mom Stronger Daughters book came about
  • The teachings from the Wisdom of Women podcast
  • Sherri talks about empowering single moms through community
  • How to raise strong daughters

In this episode…


Being a single mom and raising daughters is no easy task, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It takes resilience, strength, and unwavering determination to provide for your family while raising strong and confident daughters. With the right mindset, resources, and support, it is possible to raise amazing kids.


Sherri Hilton, a single mom of two wonderful daughters, emphasizes that modeling strength and resilience is crucial to raising strong daughters. Whether in your professional or personal life, displaying confidence and perseverance will inspire your daughters to do the same. Additionally, joining communities of other women, listening to podcasts, and reading books can provide you with the expertise and support you need to navigate the challenges of single motherhood. She shares how other moms can be strong through her podcast and books. 


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Sherri Hilton, National Account Executive at Cepheid, to discuss how being strong as a mom translates to stronger daughters. Sherri shares her passion for mom-daughter relationships, how the Strong Mom Stronger Daughters book came about, how to empower single moms through community, and how to raise strong daughters.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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