[Author Spotlight Series] – How Emotional Healing Facilitates Physical Healing With Tracy Frederick

Tracy Frederick is an Energy Reader and Healer who helps people overcome their current or past circumstances by reading their energy, giving energy healings, and teaching them how to move forward from a spiritual perspective. She has been a hairstylist for over 35 years, helping people improve their outer appearance while listening to their stories of physical pain, life struggles, relationship trauma, and unbelievable heartbreak. Tracy studied energy and further developed her abilities to perceive physical conditions of the body and relate them to underlying emotional causes. Her passion for helping others see their inner beauty led her to write a business card-size book, which she published in less than six months. Tracy’s book has sold many copies and continues to reach new heights, just like her clients, who seek her out for guidance and comfort.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:


  • Tracy Frederick’s journey of writing her first book and its motivation
  • The value of writing a book
  • How Tracy helps people as an energy reader, healer, and empowerment coach
  • The connection between your emotions and physical conditions
  • Future book projects
  • Tracy’s advice for people wanting to write a book

In this episode...


Have you ever visited a doctor, physician, or other healthcare provider who couldn’t identify the root cause of your symptoms? In many cases, underlying mental, emotional, or spiritual factors can often link to physical symptoms.


Tracy Frederick says that for every physical condition, there’s an underlying emotional cause. She says that the physical body will heal when you focus on rectifying the underlying emotional cause. Tracy has developed the skill of medical intuition, which enables her to identify the emotional, mental, or spiritual cause of an ailment by examining someone’s body. She helps people to address and resolve these underlying causes through her energy reading and healing techniques. As an author, she shares her journey and insights into spiritual growth.


In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Tracy Frederick, Energy Reader and Healer, to discuss how healing emotionally helps you heal physically. Tracy talks about her journey of writing her first book, the value of writing a book, and how she helps people as an energy reader, healer, and empowerment coach.


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Written By

Michelle Prince

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